Tuesday, December 22, 2009

How can I fix a small hole in my car's oil pan without taking it off?

I have a Saab, which sits low to the ground. I scraped the oil pan on something, and it leaks pretty bad. I am wondering if there is something I can use to fix the small hole, without removing the oil pan. Products such as JB-Weld, epoxy or other adhesives won't stick to the oily surface. And I don't have a welder or blowtorch to melt some metal into the hole. Anyone have any ideas? Thanks!How can I fix a small hole in my car's oil pan without taking it off?
If you value the car replacing the pan is the only option.....however if it's accessible, a welder maybe able to MiG weld it. I've seen holes in exhaust pipe welded with a MiG. and its almost the same thickness as an oil pan. The oil has to drained and some type of vacuum attached to engine to keep air flowing thru oil pan least any unburned gas vapor ignites.How can I fix a small hole in my car's oil pan without taking it off?
anything that you use may get sucked up into the oil pickup and then onto the engine internals

you need to take off the pan

you could try draining all the oil putting something on there and hoping that it holds but dont count on i

in a jam duct tape(after cleaningt the surface as good as you can) may hold to get you a mile or so to a safe spot

you could also try a bolt after tapping the hole but once again you run the risk of debries getting into the motor

I suggest taking the pan off, cleaning it well lightly sand the hole area, inside and out. clean it again. apply jbweld to the outside. If necessary for size of hole, use metal window screen as patch for hole. I did the same for a 2 in hole in crankcase for motorcycle in '85. the patch lasted for 12 years. until it fell off. I just made a new patch..
there are products that can plug the hole without taking the pan off, ask at your auto parts store. or you can go to a hardware store and get a screw that is used to plug leaks in your hot water tank, they come with a fat rubber seal attached and all you do is screw it into the hole to stop the leak.
There is only one way to fix it properly and that is to take it off the car , clean it properly and have it welded. Most cars the oil pan is fairly easy to get off- be sure you drain all the oil before you attempt to pull the pan .
jb weld will work if you clean it well and you cant really weld a oil pan the melt easy..... either clean it up really well or get a new one best to get a new one cause if it leaks and you dont see it then your motor will be toast
either take it to a shop to get it weilded or buy a new oil pan, jb weild or any other epoxys will not work there will be perssure behinded it, i twill not seal tight
I agree with dumdum the only true way is to take it off then fix or I recommend replacing it.
DRAIN THE OIL FIRST, then use epoxy.
use jb weld it will withstand high temperatures and will be hard.
J-b weld or high stength epoxy.

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