Tuesday, December 22, 2009

What does it mean if I have moisture in my oil pan?

I took my '93 Corrola to Jiffy Lube today, and they told me that I have moisture in my oil pan. I am grade A retarded when it comes to cars, so I didn't know what to ask. What the hell does that mean, and how do I resolve the problem?What does it mean if I have moisture in my oil pan?
It means that you are getting water in your oil and that isnt good at all. Probably the head gasket.What does it mean if I have moisture in my oil pan?
It probably means you have a busted block, or it could be that something is sweating and ending up in your oil pan. Good luck. I know what you mean about grade A retarded.
does the car get to run long enough to reach propper running temperature most times you drive it if not that could be the cause short trips are rough on cars due to the engine never getting hot enough to evaporate off the condensation that can naturally occur it can combine with normal engine blowby from the cylender rings and form acids that will raise cain! If however you drive it regularly on trips long enough for the engine to fully warm up then there is a good chance the moisture could be coming from a bad head gasket one check for this is a tailpipe inspection, is the inside of the pipe rustier than the outside ? also look closely at the exaust output does it appear white ? is so you probably need a head gasket repair
I would check your muffler bearings! J/k the moisture will only settle to the oil pan if the car is sitting for a while. if you drove your car there it wouldn't show moisture in the oil pan, the best place to check to see if there is moisture in your oil is your oil filler cap (where you would put oil in your car) if there is a whitish residue on the inside of the cap you have moisture in the oil, Now if you have some on there it could be anything from a blow head gasket to a cracked head, or just bad oil. Most oil change places buy oil in drums and in moist climates they can collect moisture from condensation so it it was oil from the bottom of the drum that may be how some small amount of moisture entered the system. But if you have white residue its more than that and you should seek help from a reputable shop. If no residue don't worry about it.
Moisture in the oil pan indicates there is a possible leak of anti-freeze coolant into the oil system. Water (and coolant) are heavier than oil such that the water will end up in the oil pan. We do not want to mix oil and water (or coolant) because it doesn't provide lubrication to the constantly moving engine parts. It is very difficult to find a small coolant leak, but you can sometimes add a dye coloring that will indicate the source of a coolant leak. This problem may be something as simple as a bad head gasket, but you will have to search for it. Caution should be exercised in driving the car so as to avoid bearing failure or total loss of the engine.
Number 1 go to a repair shop that knows how to work on cars. Find out how much moisture, Jiffy Lube is for quick repairs you need a second opinion, someone that's certified on engine repairs. Do not freak until you know what is going .
blown head gasket
If you make a LOT of very short trips, and seldom drive more than a couple miles, water will build up in the crank case over time, especially if you're neglecting oil changes.

More likely, there is an internal problem like a bad head gasket.

Take it to a REAL mechanic first though. I wouldn't trust one of those oil change shops. They have a tendency to try and sell you all kinds of unneeded services.
Most likely cause is a blown head gasket.

You need a mechanic and about 800-1000 dollars.
It means that you have a crack or leak in your motor block causing water/moisture to mix with your oil and that is a very bad thing. Jiffy Lube should be able to help with any questions, if not, contact Toyota Motors and ask what the main problem might be.
Shirly hit it !! cracked head or blowen head gasket

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